USFWS Approves Kalahari Concession Lion Import Permit for 2017!
Dear friends,
We are extremely proud to announce that the USFWS has approved the importation of a legally hunted lion from our Kalahari Concession into the USA for 2017. Based on the information we have received their “enhancement criteria” will not change until the end of 2019, in which case we are certain that applications for this period will be approved. This is a real feather in our caps! Our Concession is one of two carefully managed conservation areas where lion import permits to the USA have been approved. It goes without saying that the criteria set by USFWS is extremely rigourous and there must be no doubt that the area is managed on sound conservation principles which places ecological integrity as its number one priority in terms of lion conservation, enhancement and management. Our Kalahari concession covers 1000 square kilometers, it is home to spectacular wild lions which are fiercely protected, all thanks to the incredible management team on the resreve and the crucial US Dollars generated by responsible hunting in the reserve. Please contact us if you are interested in a Lion Hunt in the future. We are proud to be one of the few destinations in Africa which can offer this to USA based hunters.
Contact us asap with regards to these fantastic hunting opportunities. We look forward to welcoming you.
With best personal regards,
Hans Vermaak and the CVS Team