
New Professional Hunting Association is formed!

Dear friends,

Concerned professional hunters who rejected the hunting of Captive Bred predators and the recent constitution adopted by PHASA, met today (6 December 2017) in Johannesburg and founded a new professional hunting association to be known as

“Custodians of Professional Hunting and Conservation South Africa”

Our mission statement:

  1. To promote ethical and responsible professional hunting
  2. To demonstrate and enhance conservation and ecologically sustainable development through the responsible use of natural resources in order to ensure that South Africa’s biodiversity and conservation heritage is protected for the benefit of present and future generations
  3. To enhance and promote professional hunting’s contribution to the livelihoods and socio-economic development of all South Africans.

A new constitution was agreed upon and will be released shortly. Membership applications and relevant details will be made public in due course.

A committee was duly elected:

Chairman: Stewart Dorrington

Committee Members: Johan van den Berg, Paul Stones, Hans Vermaak, Matthew Greeff, Howard Knott, Mark de Wet, Hermann Meyeridricks.

The launch of “Custodians of Professional Hunting and Conservation South Africa” (CPHCSA) breathes new life into professional hunting and conservation in South Africa.

With best personal regards,
Hans and the CVS Team